Rock The Dancefloor At Your Reception!

This Day Is About The Two Of You!

Period. Your Guests are there because of their love for you! Just imagine… It’s your wedding day, and you’re surrounded by your nearest and dearest family and friends. Everyone there has been selected carefully by you and your sweetheart to share in one of the biggest days of your lives together! That Means… all eyes are on you and your beloved, and the two of you get the privilege of setting the tone and vibe of your celebration. The two of you can consider yourself the ringmasters of your very own wedding circus! After all, you have meticulously planned every detail, down to the linens and playlist! So, now it’s time to enjoy it, while helping ensure that everyone else enjoys it too! 

Bring Tears To Their Eyes!

Maybe being the center of attention isn’t really your thing, maybe you prefer to be more of a background player. That may be, and that may work for you in other scenarios, but that’s not really an option on your wedding day! Everyone that is in attendance loves the two of you, is simply happy to be included, and wants to witness your happiness up close! They’ve chosen to spend the day with you, when they could be doing anything else!So, your guests want to see your first dance! It doesn’t matter to them whether it’s traditional, or way out in left field! Maybe you want to choreograph a complicated dance routine, maybe you don’t. Whatever you decide, they are there to see the two of YOU, they are not there to criticize your dancing! Trust us! We know what we’re talking about! You can decide just how far you want to take your first dance, but for the love of all that’s good in this world… get up on the dancefloor!

Show Off Your Moves!

Some of the most enduring memories and moments of your wedding will happen after all the official business of the day is done! That’s when everyone is ready to get up, celebrate and let loose after all the big emotion of the day! But, the thing is, if you and your sweetheart want a good party at your wedding, you need to get your behinds up on the dancefloor! You are the guests of honor after all, and if you’re dancing, your guests will join you out there! There really is a special kind of alchemy that occurs when you’re dancing with a big group of your loved ones! Your wedding day is an unforgettable occasion, and you have a unique, and maybe never to be repeated, group of Grandparents, Parents, Aunts, Cousins, and friends! So get out there and make some memories! These are just the kinds of memories that become more valuable in time! You can’t get this day back, so dance!

The Cherry on Top!

Weddings are monumental events that change people’s lives, and expand their families in multiple directions! So, we feel that it’s always a privilege to be invited, and you should treat your big day with no less reverence! Going with the analogy of an ice cream sundae… if your whole wedding is the sundae, we consider the dance to be the big red cherry sitting on top! Never an afterthought, but a meaningful element that contributes a marvelous little something, some flair and hopefully some delicious memories… if you will. So, with all that being said, if you want that little something special, that special cherry on top of that sundae… you NEED to get up and dance!!


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